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Our plan was to sepnd the summer on the west coast between Long Beach, Oceana and Seaside Thousand Trails Resort and head north in the fall, but we changed our mind (for now). Depending on how things work out, we decided to stay on the coast indefinitely. There's several reasons why we came to this decision.
We are dreading the thought of going through one more long, dreary, cold, snowy winter that the north offers.
Long Beach is in Washington and close to Seaside which is in Oregon. Long Beach is close to stores, a pharmacy, the boardwalk and the ocean which is easy to get to with eTrike and TravelScoot mobility scooter. Long Beach is flat and also has FHU (Full Hook Ups). The only drawback is that it floods when it rains. It rains a lot in the winter. If the flooding is bad, we can stay one week at Long Beach and deal with it and then head to Seaside. It's better than snow.
Seaside is a really lovely resort which is just over the border in Oregon. There's an indoor pool that's open all year. Oregon has no sales tax. We can easily get to a store and the post office with the eTrike and TravelScoot mobility scooter from the resort. The park is flat and has FHU. In a pinch, there is bus service that one of us can take into Warrenton if we have to (using the TravelScoot to get to the bus stop) to go to Walmart.
If we can't get a reservation into Long Beach, there's Pacific City and Whaler's rest as alternatives. We'd rather go to Whaler's rest because Pacific City virtually has no internet. We also like Whaler's rest better as it, too, has an indoor pool. There's a Harvest Hosts in Tillamook, about half way between Seaside and Whaler's rest that we can stay at for a night if we don't want to make the long drive from Seaside to Whaler's Rest (and visa versa) all in one day. We can make reservations for 7 or 21 days, leave on the 6th or 20th day (take our time and leave any time of day we want and not have to vacate by 11 AM), go to the Harvest Hosts for one night and then go to the next resort the next day.
We're going to miss our best friends and family terribly, especially during the winter holidays, but we just mentally can not do snow again.